Thursday, August 23, 2007

Move Along

One of the reasons I left KUOW "abruptly" was so I wouldn't have to
deal with it anymore, effective immediately. So if I spend one more
day dealing with having left KUOW, I'm going to wish I'd given a
week's notice so at least I'd get paid to deal with leaving KUOW.

So I'm done with it now. If you're still interested, click here, and
here, and here. If there's anything else newsworthy in that department
of my life, I'll let you know.

In the meantime, I reeeaaallly have to be getting to some things that people
abruptly without jobs should be getting to, and when there's news about my future, you'll hear it here first.

Sorry the old Yahoo beta made it so hard to get a hold of me. You may send messages, the best e-mail address to have for you, and any ideas on how to legally and ethically get rich quick (yeah, right) to:

Please stand by.

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